September 17, 2012
9:51 pm

Look Good/Feel Terrible.

“CURTAINS,” dir. by Judah Switzer.

It’s been a hectic week, & much has been neglected. We can’t apologize enough. Or maybe we can.

Firstly, we released what you see above—the final film in the Privilege promotional septology, entitled “Curtains.” The film was directed by Judah Switzer, & based on a concept by Zac Pennington. Further credits include:

It’s my third & probably best funeral. It is also the end of Privilege.

Secondly, we celebrated Parenthetical Girls et al., the official “release show” for the fifth installment of the Privilege series. There were difficulties, though the reviews were relatively forgiving (here are some). At least it LOOKED good.

(images courtesy of Gia Goodrich)

Thirdly—the records for Privilege, Pt. V: Portrait of a Reputation were delayed. Vinyl is always delayed… you’re surely used to it by now. You’ll be happy (?) to know that vinyl is in transit from the plant as we speak. Records will go out just as soon as humanly possible. Also—I will be sending out Download Codes very soon, so keep a lookout via the email accounts you ordered with.


In the meantime, here is a terrible representation of what to expect:

At least it LOOKS good.

Due to the delay, pre-order has been extended until we are able to officially remove the “pre-.” Thank you all profoundly for your patience.





